Tag Archives: kitchen

Spring Clean Your Kitchen and Your Diet!

Spring is in full swing, and that means it’s time to start crossing off your list of spring cleaning projects. But there’s one room in the house many of us tend to overlook –the kitchen! Not only is it important to give your kitchen a good scrub down, it’s also a great time to give your family’s eating habits a fresh start. Here are 5 easy ways to help you spring clean your kitchen… and diet!

1) Deep clean your kitchen. It’s easy to have an out of sight out of mind mentaliSpring Clean Your kitchen!ty when it comes to the germs lurking in your kitchen, but it’s important to tackle your kitchen head on. Not only is it where your family frequents most, but it can often be the source of foodborne illnesses. On your to-do list, be sure to include the fridge, the cupboards and pantry, the microwave, the toaster and the oven too! While the task may seem daunting, the feeling you get once your kitchen is clean is like no other. So put on a fun playlist, grab the gloves and dive in!

2) Out with old. Grab a giant garbage bag and toss any expired or questionable items. The spice rack can be the most confusing. Most spices and dried herbs are fine to eat 1-3 years after opening, and usually just lose flavor over time. However, if you’re not sure if something is safe to eat, remember the saying- when in doubt, throw it out!

3) Make a grocery list. Did you know people who go to the grocery store without a list buy twice as much as shoppers who use a list? And going to the store empty-handed makes you more susceptible to making less healthy choices as well. Use an old-fashioned scratch piece of paper or just type your list in your smart phone.

4) In with the new. Focus on filling your fridge with fresh fruits and veggies. The best way to make sure you use the produce you buy is to wash it and put it in a glass bowl or container as soon as you get home. You can also freeze certain fruits to make a great warm weather treat that you can eat plain or use to make smoothies. Want to add a spring touch to your kitchen without having to buy expensive flowers? Try buying a basil, mint, and/or rosemary plant and placing in bright-colored pots. Not only do herb plants look nice but they smell great too. Plus, the kids will have fun picking the leaves when it’s time for dinner!

5) Give your meals a makeover. Did you toss out a jar of mayo or an old bag of chips that you found in the back of the pantry? Instead of buying the same thing, think about replacing unhealthy items with healthier versions. For example, Greek yogurt can be used as a dip by adding lime and cilantro, as a snack by topping with fruit, or as an “ice cream” by blending with frozen bananas, hazelnut butter and chocolate… trust me, it’s really good! You can also makeover your snack foods. Replace store-bought trail mix with your own DIY versions that your kids can help make; replace bagged popcorn with home popped popcorn and top with olive oil and rosemary; and swap chips with roasted chickpeas!